
'Sea of Silver Sand' (ginsadan), Silver Pavilion, Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto.
Example of Zen Excursion Garden.

Temple 2 or togu-do, Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto.
Garden is designed witj leading lines towards the temple,
displaying a harmony of bulding and landscape.

Landscape Garden.  Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto.
This garden appears natural, yet it was constructed to surroud Ginkaku-ji.

'Catching a Catfish with a Gourd' - Josetsu. 
This full view of this ink painting shows the relationship of text,
in this case poems, and the art. 

'Catching a Catfish with a Gourd' - Josetsu.
A closer look at the piece shows the use of  watered down ink
 to display tonal values in the water and ground. 
Implied texture is also broght to bear by this technique.

This composition shows an Ikebana or "living flowers" Japanese flower arrangement. 
During the Muromachi period the rules of Ikebana were
simplified to allow all classes to enjoy this art.

Golden Temple and Mirror Lake. Kyoto, Japan.
Designed in harmony with its surroundings.

      'Qingao and Other Immortals'. Shukei, Sesson
Sesson was a Zen priest who painted in the sumi-e style.  Inclusion of these three panels of a larger piece is invaluable to a site about Muromachi Art and Zen.